This was a great service and helped me regain custody of my son.

✔ Access video & location verified breathalyzer results, from any device
Ideal Applications
Reliable. Easy. Affordable.
Designed to fit the specific needs of treatment centers, health clinics, businesses and family law courts, BACtrack View Enterprise makes it easy and affordable to remotely monitor the sobriety of 1-1000+ users, from one centralized web portal.
App-Based Accountability
Compatible with both Apple iOS and Android devices, BACtrack View Enterprise helps monitored users build trust and accountability with the ones they love. Push notifications prompt users when it’s time to take a breathalyzer test, and the video-verified BAC results are instantly transmitted to the web portal for managers to review.

Discreet BAC Testing w/ Pro-Grade Accuracy
Each monitored user is given a BACtrack Mobile smartphone breathalyzer to use while they are on the service. This award-winning alcohol tester not only looks great, but also features a professional-grade fuel cell sensor that delivers reliable and accurate BAC results, every time you test.

Try Risk-Free for 14 Days
No activation fees. No long-term contracts. Cancel anytime.
My husband is a musician and has a problem with alcohol. We purchased a BACtrack and he agreed to send results to me at certain times when he’s out playing music late at night. You have no idea how much peace of mind this gives to family members of alcoholics. With this product… I don’t have to wait and wonder.
As an alcoholic in recovery, BACtrack has been an essential part of keeping a record of accountability. In a family court matter, the opposing counsel actually suggested the product, and it has been of great use in working through the difficulties inherent to documenting proof of my sobriety.
I’m tremendously grateful to have found BACtrack View. It is simple, convenient, and a super effective way to help stay on track.
BACtrack View gives my husband peace of mind that I am not drinking. The device is small and the app is simple to use.
I bought this device for a patient to document that she was no longer drinking. She loved the ease of use and comfort of knowing there is proof that she has been sober.
Since 2001, BACtrack has provided millions of people with the trusted tools needed to gain a higher level of transparency and accountability with their BAC testing.
Now we’ve reinvented remote monitoring, making it accessible and affordable for any purpose.
Need More Information?
Please call 415-693-9756 or fill out the form below to have someone from the BACtrack View team contact you directly.